My work has been in clinical and organizational psychology, psychoanalysis, science and the arts. My expertise is working and writing at the interface of these fields and bringing them to practice.
I am currently interested in certain collisions of science, culture and technology with the challenge of being human. The culture says go faster, be more and more productive while science says slow down.
American culture has long emphasized our separateness from others. Science shows the fallacy of this separate self. That is quite a squeeze.
We live in a fast paced, digital culture that can be wonderful, but often makes it difficult to focus. Daily demands wear us down, and attempts to maximize productivity often pave over the feelings that would help us discover what matters most.
We inevitably become what we do, whether we are intentional about it or not.
Our brains are wired for transformation, connection, creativity and play, but this requires practice in reengaging with time and space and slowing down.
So the bottom line is I believe everything is connected to everything and our fates are linked to each other and the world around us.
All my life I had nothing,
but worse than that,
I wouldn’t share it.